사회복지사1급 기출문제

by Trutory



= Social worker 1st grade past problem =If you use functions such as automatic scoring, result filter, favorites, and incorrect answer notes, you can complete the tasks of problem solving, scoring, and incorrect answer note when studying with workbooks with one problem solving task.Therefore, you can study by maximizing time efficiency, and if you can concentrate while on the move, you can use your time similar to studying in the library.= How to study =1. Solving problems with no options is appropriate when you think deeply and study and test at the same time.2. If you use the automatic skip to the next question check, you can quickly solve the problem as if you were solving a test question. It is not the style of studying deeply one by one, but it is a mode that can be easily used by those who look at the whole and learn repeatedly.3. You can solve the problem in the answer view mode on the problem screen. Answer view mode is a mode to take the test while memorizing questions and answers when you do not have much basic knowledge or want to study from the beginning. It is thought to be useful when memorizing simple knowledge or definitions.I think it will be helpful if you study according to your own style.[Required access rights]- Storage: Saves problem information solved by the user within the app, and saves comprehensive problem solving information such as ‘favorites, incorrect answer notes’ and scores, which are personal information related to the problem.- WIFI connection information: Detects the Internet connection status and uses it to send advertisements.-In-app payment: Used for removing advertisements and using other services if the user needs them while using the app.